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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Life must be REALLY bad for them where they're at for them to WALK HERE!

Twitter - Wall and seesaws

Life must be REALLY bad for them where they're at for them to WALK HERE! - 1

Life must be REALLY bad for them where they're at for them to WALK HERE!

Ronald Rael, the Artist

Forced to flee

There's a labor shortage in the U.S. Why is it so hard for migrants to legally work?

Seesaws Built On U.S. Border Wall Win Prestigious Design Prize,based%20art%20collective%20Colectivo%20Chopeke.

Click HERE to order Borderwall as Architecture or below
Ronald Rael draws, builds, writes, 3dprints, and teaches about architecture as a cultural endeavor deeply influenced by a unique upbringing in a desolate alpine valley in southern Colorado. As the San Francisco Chronicle writes, “his imagination is audacious”, and he speculates on the implications of a borderwall, building with mud, and using 3D printers to create buildings, as seen in his books, “Borderwall as Architecture", "Earth Architecture", and "Printing Architecture”, with his partner, architect and educator Virginia San Fratello. He is a professor of Architecture at the University of California Berkeley and is a founding partner of the Oakland based Make-Tank, Emerging Objects. You can see his drawings, models, and objects in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

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