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Lauren Boebert is escorted from Beetlejuice performance in Denver

Lauren Boebert Facebook


Republican Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert was escorted out of a Sunday night performance of “Beetlejuice” at the Buell Theater in Denver.

An incident report from the Buell Theater, requested by 9NEWS on Monday night and received on Tuesday, detailed several patron complaints about the behavior of two people sitting in Row E, near the front of the theater. The incident report does not name Boebert, but two city sources confirmed with 9NEWS that Boebert was escorted from the performance over complaints of vaping, taking pictures and causing a disturbance.

Watch: Lauren Boebert ejected from 'Beetlejuice' performance in Denver after complaints

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Rep. Lauren Boebert apologizes after getting kicked out of show and falsely denying she vaped

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