
Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Power of Praise: Why Encouragement Matters More Than You Think

How we can cultivate intentional compliments | Jake Carnes | TEDxUGA

Compliments like ""you're literally perfect"" may seem nice, but does praise like this really mean anything? Jake Carnes is an undergraduate at UGA who believes we can treat people as unique individuals and give them the thoughtful, credible, and intentional compliments they deserve.

Jake Carnes is a fourth-year undergraduate from Marietta, Georgia studying Public Relations and International Affairs. Much of his meaningful college experiences have come from involvement in organizations like The Arch Society, Dawg Camp, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, SGA, the Dean William Tate Honor Society and The Chapel Bell. Carnes hopes to articulate the importance of thoughtful, credible, intentional compliments.

Better to praise others to success, than to tear them down and be condescending

Better to praise others to success, than to tear them down and be condescending

In a world often marked by criticism and competition, the simple act of praising and encouraging others can sometimes be overlooked. Yet, its significance cannot be overstated. Whether in personal relationships, professional settings, or even fleeting encounters, the power of positive reinforcement can profoundly impact individuals and their environments. Let's delve into why praise and encouragement matter more than we often realize.

Firstly, praise and encouragement foster a sense of validation and appreciation. When someone acknowledges our efforts, talents, or qualities, it reaffirms our worth and boosts our self-esteem. This validation is particularly crucial in environments where individuals may feel undervalued or unseen. A kind word or a genuine compliment can go a long way in brightening someone's day and reminding them of their inherent value.

Moreover, praise and encouragement cultivate motivation and drive. When we receive recognition for our accomplishments, no matter how small, it fuels our desire to continue striving for excellence. It serves as positive reinforcement, reinforcing behaviors that lead to success. This motivation is especially vital in challenging pursuits or during times of uncertainty when encouragement can provide the necessary push to persevere.

Furthermore, praising and encouraging others fosters a culture of support and collaboration. By uplifting those around us, we create an environment where people feel empowered to succeed together. This sense of camaraderie strengthens bonds and encourages teamwork, leading to greater productivity and innovation. In such an environment, individuals are more likely to feel valued and motivated, contributing to a positive cycle of growth and achievement. Additionally, praise and encouragement have a ripple effect, spreading positivity beyond the immediate recipient. When we uplift others, they are more likely to pay it forward, creating a chain reaction of kindness and affirmation. This ripple effect not only enhances individual well-being but also contributes to a more inclusive and supportive community at large.

Moreover, praise and encouragement can have long-lasting effects on personal development. Positive reinforcement has been shown to boost confidence and resilience, enabling individuals to face challenges with a greater sense of self-assurance. By nurturing a mindset of growth and possibility, encouragement opens doors to new opportunities and fosters a lifelong journey of learning and improvement.

Finally, it's essential to recognize that praise and encouragement must be genuine and sincere to be effective. Empty compliments or insincere flattery can ring hollow and may even have the opposite effect, undermining trust and credibility. Therefore, it's crucial to offer praise from a place of authenticity, focusing on specific accomplishments or qualities that warrant recognition.

In conclusion, the importance of praising and encouraging others cannot be overstated. From bolstering self-esteem to fostering motivation and collaboration, the power of positive reinforcement permeates every aspect of our lives. By cultivating a culture of support and recognition, we not only uplift individuals but also contribute to a more compassionate and thriving society. So, let's make it a priority to celebrate the achievements and strengths of those around us, recognizing that a few words of encouragement can make a world of difference.

Senior in parking lot
Video from Pubity at

EVERY senior community needs an inoperable car with working radio in their parking lot. That way the senior can sit in it rocking out for the memories. For some that might be the only joy they have in life, especially if their families have taken them to senior communities or nursing homes and rarely, if ever, visit.

Me dancing

Homeless Woman Cycles Between Streets And Hotels After Husband Dies - 1

We think ALL HUD housing needs Solar. Just think of all the money they'd save the government!

Susan Auslander, age 89, Spearheaded a Solar-Energy Drive in Connecticut and it worked!

An octogenarian Hunter College alumna has spearheaded a successful drive to install solar panels throughout her Connecticut retirement community — and she’s just getting started.

(This was not for low income housing, but it could be.)


Her Retirement Home Said ‘No’ to Solar Panels. She Got It to Buy 1,344.
In what seemed like a futile fight with her retirement community’s management, Susan Auslander, just shy of 90, found an opening.

Things my mom did when she lived in MN before she came back home to Colorado (Click news article name to read more.)

Got a bus stop at the library
Marshall woman petitions to have bus stop at library

Helped turn ALL HUD housing into non-smoking
Another game-changer in the works to eliminate smoking
New rule protects health and safety of residents, saves PHAs millions of dollars in preventable damage

Nov 30, 2016
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HUD's national smoke-free policy will save public housing agencies $153 million every year in repairs and preventable fires, including $94 million in secondhand smoke-related health care, $43 million in renovation of smoking-permitted units, and $16,smoking%2Dpermitted%20units%2C%20and%20%2416

(Just think of how much it would save our government to add solar to HUD/low income housing!)

How To Use The Internet To Pay For Your Dental Bills

This is how mom got the funds to finance some of her dental work 8 years ago


This is mom's interview on a National podcast. She was also interviewed by NBC National News about the harassment and stalking she's endured in 1994. It's off-and-on to this day, December 13, 2023.

Never let your loved one live here

Colorado State Liability Law

Colorado Warranty of Habitability

Protect your loved one


Aging Adults

Laugh Often

Legislative Bills

Living Rent Free

Low Income Help



Mobility AIds



Nursing Homes


Scams and Abuse

Side Hustles

Thank You President Joe Biden


Veterans Help

Wealthy Living


Zazzle on Zazzle