
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Unleashing Collective Entrepreneurship: Building the Next Etsy, eBay, or Amazon Together

Top Etsy seller suspended AGAIN!!
I can tell you how frustrating this has been. Etsy, figure your stuff out!

Stop complaining PIVOT - 1

Etsy Sellers
Maybe I'm ignorant, but the first thing I thought of when I saw his video was, "Why don't all you wronged Etsy sellers start a group, gather all your ideas, go out and get funding and start your own Etsy-like website selling your art/products?"

Do some research. Google The Story of Etsy

On Etsy Wiki
Started June 18, 2005
2022 - 2,790 employees
2022 - Revenue $2.57 Billion

On eBay Wiki
Started September 13, 1995
2022 - 11,600 Employees
2022 - Revenue $9.79 Billion

On Amazon Wiki
Started July 5, 1994
2022 - 1,684,853 Employees
2022 - Revenue $13.98 Billion

Instead of spending countless hours complaining complaining about how you were wronged

Start DOING something to fix it!

Head to ChatGPT and ask it

Please share with me 100 steps to start a business similar to Etsy, eBay and Amazon
Please share with me 100 ideas on how to start a business similar to Etsy, eBay and Amazon


People are OFTEN told to pivot in life and business


Just a thought....

In the vast landscape of e-commerce giants like Etsy, eBay, and Amazon, the journey from an idea to a successful business is both exhilarating and challenging. While these platforms started as individual ventures, the concept of collective entrepreneurship has gained traction. Imagine a group of passionate individuals coming together, pooling their resources, and building a thriving business that rivals the giants of online commerce. In this blog post, we'll explore the steps to turn this collective dream into reality.

1. Identifying a Niche:
Every successful business begins with a unique idea or a niche in the market. To start the collective journey, the group must identify a gap or an underserved market that aligns with their interests and expertise. Whether it's handmade crafts, vintage items, or a specific category of products, a well-defined niche is the foundation for success.

2. Building a Diverse Team:
Collective entrepreneurship thrives on diversity. Assemble a team with complementary skills – from tech-savvy developers and creative designers to marketing experts and logistics professionals. The synergy of diverse talents enhances problem-solving and innovation, essential elements for navigating the competitive e-commerce landscape.

3. Crafting a Solid Business Plan:
With a niche identified and a diverse team in place, the next step is to develop a comprehensive business plan. This should include the group's mission, target market, revenue model, marketing strategy, and a clear roadmap for growth. A well-thought-out plan will serve as a guiding document, aligning everyone towards common goals.

4. Securing Funding:
Funding is often a crucial factor in turning ideas into reality. The collective can explore various funding options, from traditional loans and investors to crowdfunding platforms. By showcasing a compelling business plan and the potential for success, the group can attract the financial support needed to launch and sustain the venture.

5. Developing a User-Friendly Platform:
The backbone of any successful e-commerce business is a user-friendly platform. Invest in technology to create an intuitive and seamless online marketplace. Prioritize features like secure payment gateways, robust search functionalities, and a mobile-responsive design to ensure a positive user experience.

6. Implementing Robust Logistics and Supply Chain:
Efficient logistics and a reliable supply chain are vital components of any e-commerce venture. Collaborate with logistics experts to streamline shipping processes and ensure timely deliveries. Building partnerships with trusted suppliers is equally important to maintain a consistent inventory of quality products.

7. Emphasizing Marketing and Branding:
In a competitive online marketplace, effective marketing and branding are non-negotiable. Develop a strong brand identity, utilize social media, and employ targeted advertising to reach the target audience. Leverage the collective power of the team to create engaging content and promotional campaigns.

8. Prioritizing Customer Experience:
Customer satisfaction is the key to long-term success. Prioritize excellent customer service, gather feedback, and continuously improve the platform based on user experiences. A positive customer experience fosters brand loyalty and encourages repeat business.

9. Scaling and Innovating:
As the business gains traction, focus on scaling operations and exploring innovative solutions. Stay abreast of industry trends, incorporate user feedback, and be agile in adapting to changes. Continuous innovation is crucial to staying competitive in the dynamic e-commerce landscape.

10. Fostering a Collaborative Culture:
Maintain the spirit of collective entrepreneurship by fostering a collaborative and inclusive culture within the team. Encourage open communication, celebrate achievements, and address challenges as a united front. The strength of the collective is in its ability to overcome obstacles together.

In conclusion, building the next Etsy, eBay, or Amazon requires a collective effort fueled by passion, diversity, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. By following these steps and embracing the power of collaboration, a group of individuals can turn their entrepreneurial aspirations into a successful e-commerce venture that stands out in the digital marketplace.

Don't forget to call your local SCORE office and talk to their counselors about starting a business. It's FREE

SCORE can help you start, grow or successfully exit a business. Small business owners who receive three or more hours of mentoring report higher revenues and increased growth

Senior in parking lot
Video from Pubity at

EVERY senior community needs an inoperable car with working radio in their parking lot. That way the senior can sit in it rocking out for the memories. For some that might be the only joy they have in life, especially if their families have taken them to senior communities or nursing homes and rarely, if ever, visit.

Me dancing

Homeless Woman Cycles Between Streets And Hotels After Husband Dies - 1

We think ALL HUD housing needs Solar. Just think of all the money they'd save the government!

Susan Auslander, age 89, Spearheaded a Solar-Energy Drive in Connecticut and it worked!

An octogenarian Hunter College alumna has spearheaded a successful drive to install solar panels throughout her Connecticut retirement community — and she’s just getting started.

(This was not for low income housing, but it could be.)


Her Retirement Home Said ‘No’ to Solar Panels. She Got It to Buy 1,344.
In what seemed like a futile fight with her retirement community’s management, Susan Auslander, just shy of 90, found an opening.

Things my mom did when she lived in MN before she came back home to Colorado (Click news article name to read more.)

Got a bus stop at the library
Marshall woman petitions to have bus stop at library

Helped turn ALL HUD housing into non-smoking
Another game-changer in the works to eliminate smoking
New rule protects health and safety of residents, saves PHAs millions of dollars in preventable damage

Nov 30, 2016
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HUD's national smoke-free policy will save public housing agencies $153 million every year in repairs and preventable fires, including $94 million in secondhand smoke-related health care, $43 million in renovation of smoking-permitted units, and $16,smoking%2Dpermitted%20units%2C%20and%20%2416

(Just think of how much it would save our government to add solar to HUD/low income housing!)

How To Use The Internet To Pay For Your Dental Bills

This is how mom got the funds to finance some of her dental work 8 years ago


This is mom's interview on a National podcast. She was also interviewed by NBC National News about the harassment and stalking she's endured in 1994. It's off-and-on to this day, December 13, 2023.

Never let your loved one live here

Colorado State Liability Law

Colorado Warranty of Habitability

Protect your loved one


Aging Adults

Laugh Often

Legislative Bills

Living Rent Free

Low Income Help



Mobility AIds



Nursing Homes


Scams and Abuse

Side Hustles

Thank You President Joe Biden


Veterans Help

Wealthy Living


Zazzle on Zazzle