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The Complex Duality of Dictatorship: Examining the Pros and Cons

His supporters

His supporters are giving up TOTAL control of their lives to him to be further abused by him, FOREVER

Noteworthy 1










You can definitely tell who wears the pants in Eric's marriage. Probably the same kind of relationship he has with daddy. As expected, the runaround, and NEVER answer the question Typical RepubliCON maneuver, deny, deflect and diffuse. Vote blue

You can definitely tell who wears the pants in Eric's marriage. Probably the same kind of relationship he has with daddy. As expected, the runaround, and NEVER answer the question Typical RepubliCON maneuver, deny, deflect and diffuse. Vote blue

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

Were in trouble. CONald Grump's been telling you who he is for YEARS!

We got your back Joe!  We want a Democracy, not a Dictator

We got your back Joe!  We want a Democracy, not a Dictator

We become like those we surround ourselves with

We become like those we surround ourselves with

MAGA Fans Slammed For Launching GoFundMe To Help Billionaire Donald Trump Pay $355M Fine

The GoFundMe page was launched by Elena Cardone, the wife of real estate investor Grant Cardone. As part of the donation call to action, Elena stated that the fund's main purpose is to show loyalty to Trump and, by extension, other MAGA supporters.

America may have it's problems, but we wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Vote Blue, because we don't want a Dictatorship

We're voting for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris no matter what

The Newsroom Speech by Jeff Daniels (with subtitles)

The Newsroom TV Series speech given by Jeff Daniels (Will McAvoy) who shows why America is not the greatest country. Aired on 24/06/2012

The Newsroom

America may have it's problems, but we wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Vote Blue, because we don't want a Dictatorship

Dictatorship, often characterized by concentrated power in the hands of a single leader, has been a form of governance throughout history. While some argue that it provides stability and quick decision-making, others criticize its lack of freedom and potential for abuse. In this exploration, we delve into the pros and cons of dictatorship, acknowledging the nuanced nature of this controversial political system.

Pros of Dictatorship:

Efficient Decision-Making:
Dictatorships are known for their ability to make swift decisions. With power centralized in a single individual or a small group, there is no need for lengthy debates or negotiations. This can lead to quicker responses in times of crisis, enabling the government to address issues promptly.

Stability and Order:
Dictatorships often boast a high level of stability. The strict control exercised by the ruling authority can suppress dissent and maintain order, preventing political turmoil and ensuring a sense of security among the population.

Economic Development:
Some argue that dictatorships can facilitate economic growth by implementing policies without the hindrance of democratic processes. Leaders can push through reforms and development projects more efficiently, potentially leading to rapid economic progress.

Cons of Dictatorship:

Violation of Human Rights:
Perhaps the most significant criticism of dictatorships is the frequent violation of human rights. Citizens may face restrictions on freedom of speech, assembly, and political participation. Dissent is often met with harsh consequences, leading to a climate of fear and suppression.

Lack of Accountability:
In a dictatorship, the concentration of power often results in a lack of accountability. Leaders may act without checks and balances, making decisions that serve their interests rather than those of the people. This absence of accountability can lead to corruption and misuse of authority.

Social Stagnation:
The suppression of dissent and diversity of thought in dictatorships can lead to social stagnation. A lack of open discourse and exchange of ideas may hinder societal progress, as innovation and creativity thrive in environments that encourage diverse perspectives.

Potential for Abuse of Power:
Dictatorships are susceptible to abuse of power, as leaders can become authoritarian and use their position to serve personal agendas. This can lead to widespread oppression, censorship, and persecution of political opponents, stifling democracy and human rights.

Dictatorship, with its pros and cons, presents a complex and controversial form of governance. While it may offer efficiency and stability, the potential for human rights abuses and the absence of checks on power raise significant concerns. Understanding the nuanced nature of dictatorship is crucial for informed discussions on political systems and the pursuit of governance that balances authority with accountability and respect for individual rights.

To read more about THIS man, click You've been Trumped
and To read more about THIS man, click Vote THIS or THAT

Senior in parking lot
Video from Pubity at

EVERY senior community needs an inoperable car with working radio in their parking lot. That way the senior can sit in it rocking out for the memories. For some that might be the only joy they have in life, especially if their families have taken them to senior communities or nursing homes and rarely, if ever, visit.

Me dancing

Homeless Woman Cycles Between Streets And Hotels After Husband Dies - 1

We think ALL HUD housing needs Solar. Just think of all the money they'd save the government!

Susan Auslander, age 89, Spearheaded a Solar-Energy Drive in Connecticut and it worked!

An octogenarian Hunter College alumna has spearheaded a successful drive to install solar panels throughout her Connecticut retirement community — and she’s just getting started.

(This was not for low income housing, but it could be.)


Her Retirement Home Said ‘No’ to Solar Panels. She Got It to Buy 1,344.
In what seemed like a futile fight with her retirement community’s management, Susan Auslander, just shy of 90, found an opening.

Things my mom did when she lived in MN before she came back home to Colorado (Click news article name to read more.)

Got a bus stop at the library
Marshall woman petitions to have bus stop at library

Helped turn ALL HUD housing into non-smoking
Another game-changer in the works to eliminate smoking
New rule protects health and safety of residents, saves PHAs millions of dollars in preventable damage

Nov 30, 2016
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HUD's national smoke-free policy will save public housing agencies $153 million every year in repairs and preventable fires, including $94 million in secondhand smoke-related health care, $43 million in renovation of smoking-permitted units, and $16,smoking%2Dpermitted%20units%2C%20and%20%2416

(Just think of how much it would save our government to add solar to HUD/low income housing!)

How To Use The Internet To Pay For Your Dental Bills

This is how mom got the funds to finance some of her dental work 8 years ago


This is mom's interview on a National podcast. She was also interviewed by NBC National News about the harassment and stalking she's endured in 1994. It's off-and-on to this day, December 13, 2023.

Never let your loved one live here

Colorado State Liability Law

Colorado Warranty of Habitability

Protect your loved one


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Thank You President Joe Biden


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